It’s that time again. #FYC2023

On Set
13 Nov 19

It took several attempts by our kickass props/FX wizard, Matt, but he finally got that soup – which he and his wife actually made from scratch – to drop precisely the way it did in the movie. And thanks for being our guinea pig, PA Paul (shown at right in our parking lot and pre-light…
On Set
Closed Set
22 Feb 19

Someone needs to tell Yogi.
On Set
Them Apples
20 Feb 19

Actually, Matt, I don’t think Rick Grimes likes ’em at all…
C’mon Son.
14 Feb 19

Excited to see our ol’ pal’s at USA’s Psych have one more trick up their sleeves. News broke today they are cooking up Psych The Movie 2. Could not be happier for Dulé, James and the gang… and kinda fun to see this Deadline feature on it used a still from our promo from Psych The…
Hot Spots
10 Sep 18

Thanks for the Hot Spot Love, Briefers!
On Set
Closed Set Violator
29 Aug 18

There’s always one lookie loo. Especially when it comes to this show…
SHOW SNOB: BCS Training Continues…
21 Aug 18

Better Call Saul’s Mike Ehrmantraut is here to educate you on security training
On Set
Sam Won!
17 Aug 18

Star of our History/Alone/Dish spot, Sam Larson, was an even bigger star last night when he won Season 5 of the show! Holy heck! Not sure how he kept such a huge secret from us when we shot in Vancouver this Spring, but double congrats to him and his family on this huge, incredible accomplishment! If…
It’s August, Friends…
11 Aug 18

Be sure to put your feet up a little.
Party Flavors
23 Jul 18

AMC and Better Call Saul know how to treat party guests. After the Comic-Con BCS Season 4 premiere screening, they hosted a party with Abluquerque-inspired Southwestern delights and perfect homage to “Gene” with this endless stack of buns. Good times made great.
On Set
The Only Way to Comic-Con
22 Jul 18

Bye bye, traffic.
On Set
The More Things Change…
24 Jun 18

Dulé Hill might be digging into his newer USA role, but he still likes a fresh plate of quality digestive enzymes. And sharing a wink with his longtime Psych fans.
Worth The Drive
23 Jun 18

If you’re shooting Toronto and haven’t seen Niagra from the Canadian side, do yourself a favor and go for it.
On Set
23 May 18

OMG. This foal is only nine days old.
While We Can’t Show You…
17 May 18

What we saw at The Walking Dead set this week, we can recommend the down-home goodness of Katie Lou’s Cafe in neighboring Senioa, Georgia.
On Set
06 May 18

Don’t rat us out for parking close to set. It was a weekend and pretty sure Ms. Bernstein was in LA. And remember: Snitches Get Stiches.
Oh, The Places You’ll Go
05 Mar 18

This is what we call a good location scout find…
01 Feb 18

We could probably shoot here in Austin about once a month. Sincere apologies, as no photo could do this plate of Micklethwait Craft Meat magic justice. You sorta just have to go…
On Set
Holidays In New York
14 Dec 17

Nothing quite like NYC when the holidays arrive. Especially when you’re there for working on a great project and the first real snow of the season drifts in to greet you.
Hey, ATL, Not To Worry You, But…
21 Nov 17

11 Sep 17

Our project with AMC & Better Call Saul won a freakin’ Emmy. Whaaaaaaat? We won for our AMC Better Call Saul Los Pollos Hermanos Training Videos in the category of Outstanding Short Form Comedy or Drama. The films were written by Ariel Levine, animated by Jay Marks, and starred the incomparable Giancarlo Esposito – with additional efforts by numerous AMC, BCS and…
On Set
Night Moves
28 Jul 17

Few locations define auto spots in LA more that the iconic 2nd Street Tunnel. Last night we chased a Toyota Tundra through it a few times for our friends at Discovery. Look for the spot to hit the air in September right around the return of their riveting unscripted show, Yukon Men.
Bell Rung
20 Jun 17

How cool is this? So excited to see our Syfy imagery projected on the NASDAQ Jumbotron in Times Sq. yesterday. See part of the campaign here:
Going Full Metal
09 Jun 17

There’s gold in them thar hills! (And silver and bronze, too!) Thrilled to have been honored with three PromaxBDA Gold award statuettes for our work with Discovery/letgo… plus a Silver and Bronze for History/GEICO. What a night!
Thanks Again, Adweek
15 May 17

What a lovely surprise! Bacon’s work for AMC and Better Call Saul got a little more Adweek love in a piece on some of the latest trends in marketing integration… It’s Not Just TV’s Golden Age, We’re Living in the Golden Age of TV Hype
On Set
Just Super
06 Feb 17

Sure, there are career bucket list items to check off… and then there’s doing a Superbowl spot for AMC’s The Walking Dead.
On Set
Thank You
11 Nov 16

Want to feel some America? Head down to Killeen, TX for their Veteran’s Day Parade.
Oh, Hello, Clio!
21 Oct 16

Great night last night at the Clio Key Art Awards. Firstly, we got to see work showcased that is the absolute class of tv, theatrical and gaming promotion. Secondly, our evening’s host was the always funny Amy Sadaris.
On Set
At Bacon & Sons
15 Sep 16

There’s no hat we won’t wear to get the job done.
Driving In Hollywood Rule #1
25 Aug 16

Don’t rear-end Angelyne. It’s just plain rude.
On Set
15 Jul 16

We heart Portland. Running around this fun, funky town on a multi-day documentary project we got to see, hear and taste much of what it has to offer. So much to love. Great crew and people, too!
Well, isn’t this nice…
23 Jun 16

Last week’s PromaxBDA Conference was a great time, as always. We hobnobbed with many of our favorite people in the promo world and enjoyed some inspiring and informative panels. “The State of Our Art” presented by Maurice Marable & Kendrick Reid was a personal favorite, featuring truly heartfelt, transformative work. Though it’s never why you go, it was lovely to…
On Set
Head Of The Class
12 May 16

Though initially famous for starring a very different (and far superior) sitcom, actor/director/singer/pro race car driver/scratch golfer/host/consummate professional Alfonso Ribeiro is a class of his own.
New York Festivals
19 Apr 16

Yesterday was a banner day for Bacon & Sons… with a little adventure on the side. Our launches for Join Or Die and (this past season’s) The Walking Dead got some wonderful recognition from the New York Festivals award show at NAB. As if that alone wasn’t a treat enough, we walked out of a tech scout…
Hot Or Spot!
03 Feb 16

Maybe it’s the nuke at the end, but Promax gave our Join Or Die launch the spotlight. Always appreciated!
JOIN OR DIE Before and After
01 Feb 16

We’re big fans of those before-and-after process pieces that accompany big budget franchise flicks, so here’s a little behind-the-scenes look at the Join or Die pre-viz…
On Set
Hot Walker Action
24 Aug 15

As if working with the show itself wasn’t reward enough, we’re proud of how this project turned out. Collaborating with everyone at AMC and The Walking Dead to make it happen was, once again, an inspired experience. You put the “hot” in this Hot Spot.
05 Aug 15

Thanks USA Network for letting us be a part of your new VOD strategy. We had a blast last month working with the #USAPlayingHouse ladies on two Toyota spots airing on-air and on-demand. Great to see your creative smarts profiled by the folks at ADWEEK.
11 Jun 15

Thanks #BrandedContent15 for including TWO of our spots as examples of your five rules for Branded Content marketing! #PromaxBDA15
On Set
Peanut Butter Fudge Promax Love
10 Jun 15

Nice to get some recognition during the big shindig down at LA Live #promaxbda15. Thanks again to our pals at History and Sonic for a great collaboration, teamwork and tater tots. Link:
On Set
Next Level Collaboration
19 May 15

Teamwork. We gots it.
Another Kind of reward.
10 May 15

Unless you happen to be on one of the few remaining transcontinental flights still without wifi, there’s not much time away from work these days. It takes a concerted effort, at times, to really break from deadlines, conference calls and the obligations required to keep your clients satisfied and your team motivated. But you’ve got…
On Set
Sorry, Ma’am
07 May 15

But this is a closed set.
Run Don’t Walk
30 Apr 15

To Casa Rubia in Dallas. This tapas inspired restaurant was an amusement park ride of delectable delights. Each dish topped the one that came before it. We ended up trying as many dishes as we possibly could. Not one disappointed. And after a pretty great meal the night before at Smoke in Plano, we’re luck…
09 Apr 15

Nothing drove Lauren Zalaznick and me (Dan) more crazy than this fucking logo. All throughout our tenure at VH1 — post rebrand from the awful Memphis-style logo — we’d encounter this monstrosity in tertiary cable markets and local listings. It just wouldn’t die. Bane of our existence. Be gone, you!
To The Victor Goes The Spoils
20 Mar 15

Or in this case, the crew… There’s no better way to cap off shooting a branded spot on a crabbing boat than to plop the crustaceans we shot right into boiling water and go to town. Unless, of course, you add a cold IPA or two… Also, Half Moon Bay is heaven.
On Set
Lego My Producer
08 Mar 15

Cold Hard Fact #30
24 Jan 15

Rockefeller Plaza is really the best.
On Set
The Pursuit of Happiness
19 Dec 14

Going off-road with Pursuit System’s Buggy is one hell of a way to finish the year. Hell, Dan looks so badass back there, he’s signing autographs…